Are You One of Us?

... or perhaps you're here because someone you know believes you are ...

  • Do you have a unique, well-earned skillset?

  • Do you remember what it was like to be at the beginning of that journey?

  • Are you committed to bringing more love to the planet?

If you said yes to any or all of the above... you're in the right place.

Welcome to the Worldwide Love Story

...a love-centric platform

of user-generated, location-based love stories...

...where it's our mission to raise the vibration of love on the planet, one love story at a time.

What is the Worldwide Love Story?

Imagine if Humans of New York—or if you want to take it way back, Chicken Soup for the Soul—and Google Earth had a love child...



... it would be the Worldwide Love Story.

Sounds interesting, but what does that actually mean?

  1. It means we're on a mission to collect real stories of real people in love, from all over the world.

  1. It means we're anchoring love stories to time, place and space on the first-ever global map of love.

  1. It means we're socially connecting love stories, landmarks, and lovers of love on a global scale.

It means we're changing the way people interact with love on a worldwide level.

And it means we're actively seeking creative, collaborative souls who want to be a part of something greater than we can accomplish alone.

The Worldwide Love Story Vision

To understand why we're looking for brilliant minds who wish to share their expertise, it's important to understand the scope of our vision.

To that end, we invite you to listen to the founder of the Worldwide Love Story, Alicia Mejia, as she gives a 2 minute overview of the project, followed by the 7 key questions we aim to answer on the journey to achieving our mission of raising the vibration of love on the planet.

7 Key Questions:

1. Where Were You When You Fell in Love? Where Will You Be?

Pins are dropped on the map for where you were when you realized you loved your person. Zoom in on a pin to interact with a love story.

Together, we're co-creating a map where, instead of borders and divisions, we see where love happened.

2. Who is Connected to Your Love Story? Who Will Be?

Who is a part of your love story? How does your love story relate to those around you... your family, your friends, your tribe?

Together, we're illustrating the connection of friends, family and fate.

3. Which Areas of the World Reflect the Most Love?

Are some areas of the world more loving than others? What is the most loving location in world on any given day?

Together, we're creating a map that reflects the most loving places on the planet. To live. To love. To visit. To learn.

4. What is Love's Migration?

How does love travel? What does the progression of a love story look like? Where have you experienced milestones in your story?

Together, let's travel with love. For love. And because of love.

5. Who is on Your Family Tree of Love?

What shape is your tree of love as you connect your love stories to those of your biological and chosen family.

7. Where Do You See Love Around You?

Don't have a love story to share yet but want to be a part of the Worldwide Love Story anyway? Sweet. Drop a pin on the map for love landmarks and help keep love top of mind, wherever you are.

Does any of the above get your ideas flowing?

Fantastic. Check out this video and learn both what it means to be an Advisory Board Member, and how to become one.

An Advisory Board Member

is love in wisdom.

Who Believes:

  • In the mission of the Worldwide Love Story

  • In the power of story

  • In using tech for good

Who Wants to:

  • Share their wisdom, insight & experience

  • Spread more love

  • Be at the beginning of something new again

Who Knows That:

  • Together we can raise the vibration of love on the planet

Why Become an Advisory Board Member... Now?

Because as the Worldwide Love Story gains momentum, you’ll be a key part of our evolution.

Your impact may look something like this:

  • Sharing key insights at critical growth points

  • Activating your network and raising awareness

  • Identifying blind spots based on your storied history

  • Bringing a richness and unique skillset to the team.

  • Networking with fellow Advisory Board members

... and so much more as we grow!

What does it mean to take action now?

1. Schedule a discovery call on the calendar below.

2. Confirm the email.

3. Complete the brief questionnaire prior to our first call.